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5 - Surfing in Porto

Trip to Porto with the volunteers and we have the opportunity to do a surf lesson and learn how to surf

At 8 am we got up for breakfast at CJ to catch the bus to Porto from Amarante

First the boys and I went to Porto and later we would meet the volunteers as the boys wanted to visit the stadium.

What surprised us the most was that we had to take the bus through an application that the volunteers showed us that went directly to our destination

Our first stop was the Estádio do Dragão which was closed but we were able to see the surrounding area

We were walking around the streets seeing a bit of what it was like and we probably heard more Spanish that day than in all the time we have been here because there were so many tourists.

We managed to get to Santa Catalina, a popular church due to the amount of tiles it has and we were surprised that the priest they had was a woman, as normally (at least in Spain) they are usually men

Ewerlina (one of the volunteers) wanted to take us to a famous bakery in Porto where they specialise in cream cakes which, as you may have noticed, we liked very much so we couldn't say no to her

Finally we were going to the beach but first we had to take the metro so they showed us how to take a metro card that we could recharge whenever we wanted

The following pictures are after surfing because we were quite far away from where the others were so there are no pictures while we were surfing

But the experience was incredible, although I was a bit scared to stand up at least I could surf on my knees and it was a lot of fun and I would surely repeat it

We went to Mc' Donalds for lunch and then back to the beach for the afternoon

We were able to see the sunset and it was beautiful

We almost didn't make the bus back but we managed to arrive with some incredible experiences

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